Transport Modelling 101

Transport modelling has a wide area of application and about 80 years of history. With relatively little resources, it allows formulating decisions for the development of the transport systems with great positive effect to society.

The guide discusses theoretical and practical issues for the preparation and application of transport models. The classic four-step transport model is presented in detail, as well as topics like data collection, validation and documenting the model. The guide is targeted to transport planning practitians but may also be used by students.

Download as PDF file (Bulgarian)

Antov, A., 2017. Transport Modelling 101, Practical Guide, Sofia

Multi-Criteria Analysis for Transport Infrastructure Projects

MCA is a useful tool in decision-making as it allows comparing in a transparent manner of multiple properties of the alternatives. It has great advantages compared to informal decision-making, which is susceptible to a multitude of biases.

An important feature of MCA is that it can be used as a means to communicate within the entity developing a project, but also with the general public. MCA can also help in improving the existing alternatives and finding new ones.

The manual presents the fundamental principles of MCA, its integration in the project preparation process, as well as its specification and use to support transport infrastructure projects.

Download as PDF file

Antov, A., 2018. Multi-Criteria Analysis for Transport Infrastructure Projects, Bucharest

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